PSA (Produits Sanitaires Aeronefs / Aircraft Sanitary Products), is a French company established in 1976, recognised worldwide for its wide range of approved cabin sprays for disinsection, disinfection, odour elimination for use on aircraft.
The company also produces special hand-carried and highly portable machines to dispense proprietary chemicals that have proven consistently effective in disinfection, disinsection and odour elimination not only for aircraft but also for ground use in hospitals, food industry, hotels, childcare centres and the general transportation sector.
This special machine dispenses a fine 'dry' mist. It has a built-in proprietary software that allows the user to track its use and application of chemicals. The software is installed on a desktop computer or laptop and used to set the parameters such as the volume of the room and the corresponding amount of chemical to be used for the room.
Data from the machine can be downloaded to generate and print out a detailed report. Such reports are especially important to the health-care industry.
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This is a stand-alone machine. All settings are done on a programming panel on the machine itself. It has no traceability feature like the DHV-500 machine but otherwise both machines function similarly.
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Brumoxim is a disinfectant. It is a lab-proven effective bactericidal, sporicidal, fungicidal, virucidal and tuberculocidal that has been successfully tested during clinical trials in a Singapore public hospital.
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Emuldry is an effective insecticide against flying and crawling insects such as mosquitoes, houseflies, cockroaches and bedbugs.
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Odoxim is an odour eliminator. It removes strong odours and generally all foul smells.
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The world’s first insecticide that kills the eggs of bed bugs before the eggs can hatch. Coupled with the chemical Emuldry spray that destroys the adult bed bugs, the application of both Ovoxim and Emuldry ensures the elimination of bed bugs in one treatment.
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